Micro Baking for Kids


Micro Baking for Kids

Diamant is a toy company that has been making fun and creative toys for children. We were excited to take part in giving children fun toys that would help develop their imagination and creativity.
We designed Diamants Donut Baking kit for their line of edible Sweet Art, a kit that allows children to make beautiful sweet food unassisted.


The sentence “don’t play with your food” does not apply here, with Diamants Sweet Art the children get to play with the dough, chocolate and candy. The Donut kit we designed lets children to bake and decorate real donuts virtually unassisted. We wanted to deliver a real baking experience while still keeping it appealing to children.


The challenge was creating a set of tools that would allow children to make and decorate the donuts with ease and end up with a final product that looks great and they would be proud of. We achieved this by using an exciting, colorful palate and fun playful shapes to create a set which includes shaping and decorating tools, a decorating platform and display area.

The children get to play with dough, chocolate, sprinkles and candy hearts, pressing them into various molds and then baking them with the use of a microwave. Afterwards they get to gobble it all up! And we get to stay jealous of all there fun.