We achieved this by choosing the best sellers of the Pasabahce catalog, one of the biggest glassware factories worldwide, and designed accessories that would give the glassware a new purpose and functionality.
Zestglass is a lead brand name of Pasabahce, a worldwide market leader with a well rooted history of 80 years in the fields of glassware and kitchenware.
The concept for this line of products is “Upcycle” – rethink, repurpose and refine. Upcycle, by repurposing existing glassware saves resources, time and money. Making this simple philosophy smart design.
By using bold colors and a clear graphic style we designed attachments that gave vibrance to the plain glassware making them fun and desirable. By choosing modern materials such as silicone, these newly formed products are easy to use and keep clean making them perfect for the modern kitchen.
These accessories that can transform a simple glass into a take away cup, a cutlery dryer or even a lemon squeezer give the plain glass products a new life.
small touch that transforms everything